Fire Alarm System + (PA) System


A Fire Alarm System has a number of devices working together to detect and warn people through visual & audio appliances. These alarms are activated automatically from smoke/heat detectors or Manual Call Point.

There are two types of Fire Alarm Systems:

I )Addressable Fire Alarm Systems – Addressable Fire Alarm Systems are also called Smart FireAlarm Systems. This is because along with the detection of fire they provide the exact location of the fire.

2)Conventional Fire Alarm Systems ­ Conventional Fire Alarm Systems are simple FAS. Their primary function is to alert the occupants that a fire has taken place.


Public Address System

A Public Address (PA) System is a centralized system made up of loudspeakers, amplifiers, microphones, and audio switching matrixes used to broadcast alarms and provide voice paging to multiple or single areas of a facility using loudspeakers. The facility can be separated into zones or areas to enable the ability to specify which areas will receive voice or alarm notifications.